You need:
2 lbs cranberries
3 cups cranberry juice
3/4 cups orange juice
12 oz maple syrup ( not pancake syrup)
1 to 1 1/2 cups sugar (one cup until you taste the syrup and decide for yourself)
Rinse your berries. Remove any little sticks and bad berries.
I also get the water bath canner ready now. Get the water hot. Make sure you have rack on the bottom of your water bath pan. I am using a smaller pot this time and I don't have a rack that fits so I am using canning lids.
Have 5 sanitized pint jars ready.
Put all of the ingredients in a large pot. Ours is a less sweet recipe. You can take a quick taste of your liquid now and add the additional half cup of sugar now if you would like.

Put it on high heat and bring to a rapid rolling boil stirring constantly.
The berries will start popping while they split open. It needs to be a true rapid and rolling boil to start releasing the pectin from the berries.
Turn the Heat down to medium low and simmer for 10 minutes. I use this time to skim some of the foam out. I am not that worried about the foam. If you are a perfectionist... There are a few ideas to get rid of almost all the foam here.
To us is not important.
After the 10 minutes you start filling your point jars. This batch will fill 4 pints jars with just enough left over for a tasting.
Put the point jars in your water bath. Make sure the water covers the jar, pot your plus on and raise the heat so the water boils.
Time for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes turn the heat off. Remove your jars and wait for those beautiful pings.
It's not Thanksgiving without your cranberry sauce.