Monday, March 17, 2014

Do It Yourself Bedroom Wall Decor Perpetual Autumn Dreams

We love the Fall. We would sleep in it all of the time if we could.
This wall treatment is my effort to capture that feeling for each night's sleep.
It was amazingly easy to do and I am so happy with it. Each night when we lay down to sleep, it feels like we're laying down under the stars and next to a tree with a warm gentle breeze : )
The tree is a wall decal that you can get at the bottom of this blog post.
It took about an hour to apply as it came in sections. The most time consuming part was trimming the paper. It was pretty easy.
Then we scattered the 3d leaves across the wall to give the illusion of movement. Also easy to install, just a screw into the wall. They are extra cool because they are 3d and add to the concept. I had extra leaves and I used them in my bathroom.
We also added those silly glow in the dark stars to our ceiling and used constellation shapes for the birthdays of our family. As the light goes out each night, we see the trees and then the stars. Ahhhhhh.....
I had extra leaves and I used them in my bathroom.
We would love to see and share any wall treatments you have done. Please send them to us at

You may also like our post on the DIY up-cycled kitchen island here.

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